Credit, Debit & Smart Card Management System ANMsoft has significant knowledge and expertise in the development, implementation and integration of Debit / credit and Smart card systems. ANMsoft card management solution provides multi-currency / product and language platform to issuers to manage card life cycles, including all types of cards
Smart Card Shell 3 It can be used to develop and test smart card applications, in particular applications integrated into a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). It is a Java application using the OpenCard Framework supporting most smart cards compliant with ISO7816-4. SmartCard-HSM The SmartCard-HSM is integrated with OpenSC, providing a rock-solid PKCS#11 module, CSP-Minidriver and C API. Java developers enjoy an easy integration with the OpenCard Framework and a JCE Provider that makes keys on the device available to your Java application. And of course it's open source and free to use. Read more cardpeek - Download
A cross-platform, graphical, low level (APDU) smart card tool aimed to help developing of smart card applications and understanding of ISO-7816 protocol. This project has code locations but that location contains no recognizable source code for Open Hub to analyze. Community Rating Be the first to rate this project. Click to add your rating
Open Smart Card Development Platform (OpenSCDP) Drivers are included for most ISO 7816-4 based smart cards, PC/SC and CT-API card readers. The platform provides full cryptographic support for algorithms commonly used by smart cards. Tools, libraries and documentation for the Open Smart Card Development Platform are provided as Open Source under the GNU Public License (GPL). OPEN SOURCE - Smart Card The SmartCard-HSM comes with free and open source crypto middleware. Starterkit. For a quick start you might want to download the SmartCard-HSM Starterkit. OpenSC. The SmartCard-HSM is supported by OpenSC, a PKCS#11 and CSP Minidriver middleware for various operating systems. GnuPG
Jun 07, 2017
Smart Card Emulator | F-Droid - Free and Open Source The Android Smart Card Emulator allows the emulation of a contact-less smart card. The emulator uses Android's HCE to fetch process APDUs from a NFC reader. License: GNU General Public License v3.0 only