"The website declined to show this webpage" error - PHP
HTTP 403 Forbidden, The Website declined to show the webpage (when using the URL format https://:8443/dpssp/) Technical Articles ID: KB83090 Last Modified: 2/6/2020 Environment IE11: HTTP 403 The website declined to show this webpage Jun 08, 2018 Moving code to Host site -- THe website declined to show Then in the .html, I changed it to redirect to the new directory. This may be the problem, but I dont think so. The redirect works, but I get the message about unable to show website. I tried this in IIS 6.0 and had similar problems, but finally decided just to worry about the website instead of IIS, especially since its working fine in the IDE. Getting error on certain websites: The website declined to
SharePoint - The website declined to show this webpage HTTP 403. Asked By XXX on 04-Jun-10 02:53 PM. When trying to access the default.aspx page of mysite, it is
403 - The website declined to show this webpage | The ASP Jul 08, 2014 Website declined to show this webpage
OWA http to https not working - TechGenix
For some reason, a few of the web sites I regularly visit have started giving me an error message, The Website Declined to Show This Webpage. The web address has